Complete Exercises

  1. Ensure you are on the Exercises tab.
  2. Click Begin Routine.                                                               
  3. Your first exercise will appear in a new window. You have the option of viewing the video, reading a text description, and verifying the number of sets and reps prescribed. Use this information to perform the exercise. 
  4. If needed, you can Submit Feedback to your therapist and even indicate the difficulty you experienced. Click here for more information on Exercise Feedback.
  5. Once finished, click Mark as Complete. You will be redirected to the Exercises tab.
  6. You will now see a table that displays the Elapsed Time since you started the routine, the number of Completed Tasks, and the number of Tasks Remaining.
  7. Below this, use the previous, pause, and next icons to view exercises or to take a break.
  8. Optionally, select the Autoplay checkbox to implement a 3-second break before the next exercise automatically begins.
  9. Once the routine has been completed, select Submit Routine to record your progress.
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